The teacher in Individual Games Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad. Asst. Lect. Ghofran Bashir Hamza, held a workshop for undergraduate students entitled (Preparing a trainer for basic skills in rhythmic gymnastics).

Ms. Ghofran explained the concept of rhythmic gymnastics as a special type of gymnastics competition reserved for women only. It requires the athlete to perform rhythmic movements in an aesthetically elegant manner to the tune of music, carrying a tool in her hand that may be a ball, a scepter, a hoop, a ribbon, or a rope, and performing her movements on a mat that resembles to which used in floor exercises, and its area is 12 square metres. Its movements take between 60 and 90 seconds. The gymnastics team consists of five female players.

She also mentioned the stages through which the winning player must be selected, including the basic positions of the hands and feet.

She pointed out the most important basic skills in applying gymnastics, including rhythmic movements, turning, jumping, throwing and receiving, rolling the tool, and hitting the tool.

This workshop represents one of the sustainable development goals represented by the fourth goal: quality education.

The teacher in Individual Games Branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad. Asst. Lect. Ghofran Bashir Hamza, held a workshop for undergraduate students entitled (Preparing a trainer for basic skills in rhythmic gymnastics).

Ms. Ghofran explained the concept of rhythmic gymnastics as a special type of gymnastics competition reserved for women only. It requires the athlete to perform rhythmic movements in an aesthetically elegant manner to the tune of music, carrying a tool in her hand that may be a ball, a scepter, a hoop, a ribbon, or a rope, and performing her movements on a mat that resembles to which used in floor exercises, and its area is 12 square metres. Its movements take between 60 and 90 seconds. The gymnastics team consists of five female players.

She also mentioned the stages through which the winning player must be selected, including the basic positions of the hands and feet.

She pointed out the most important basic skills in applying gymnastics, including rhythmic movements, turning, jumping, throwing and receiving, rolling the tool, and hitting the tool.

This workshop represents one of the sustainable development goals represented by the fourth goal: quality education.

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