The teacher in the theoretical sciences branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad, Asst. Lect.  Ibtihal Jassim Rasheed, a training course for undergraduate students entitled (How to write news in the newspaper, television and website).

Ms. Ibtihal explained the difference between news in the newspaper, television, and the website, as it represents journalistic news, which is the news that is published in newspapers and magazines, based on written text and related to space, and requires a large cost in terms of tools, supplies, and organizational structure for editing, paper, and printing, while preparing news Television news is the news that is broadcast live on television based on sound and image, and is linked to the limited time such that it takes 30 minutes to show the news and the production of one program requires millions of dollars, in addition to lighting, decoration, sound, etc. As for electronic news, it is the news that is broadcast via electronic newspaper websites are characterized by the possibility of continuous updating, modification and deletion, as well as providing them with links similar to the event, in addition to not requiring huge costs, paper and printing.

The teacher recommended the need for students to be familiar with sports media because of its importance in their specialty, and to be aware of the most important sports developments in all media outlets (newspapers, television, social networking sites). This course achieves one of the sustainable development goals represented by the fourth goal: quality education.

The teacher in the theoretical sciences branch at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad, Asst. Lect.  Ibtihal Jassim Rasheed, a training course for undergraduate students entitled (How to write news in the newspaper, television and website).

Ms. Ibtihal explained the difference between news in the newspaper, television, and the website, as it represents journalistic news, which is the news that is published in newspapers and magazines, based on written text and related to space, and requires a large cost in terms of tools, supplies, and organizational structure for editing, paper, and printing, while preparing news Television news is the news that is broadcast live on television based on sound and image, and is linked to the limited time such that it takes 30 minutes to show the news and the production of one program requires millions of dollars, in addition to lighting, decoration, sound, etc. As for electronic news, it is the news that is broadcast via electronic newspaper websites are characterized by the possibility of continuous updating, modification and deletion, as well as providing them with links similar to the event, in addition to not requiring huge costs, paper and printing.

The teacher recommended the need for students to be familiar with sports media because of its importance in their specialty, and to be aware of the most important sports developments in all media outlets (newspapers, television, social networking sites). This course achieves one of the sustainable development goals represented by the fourth goal: quality education.

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