)The teacher in the theoretical sciences branch in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad, Assistant Lecturer Reem Talal Kamel, held a training workshop for undergraduate students entitled (EXCEL applications for emptying and analyzing scientific research questionnaires in the mathematical field). The workshop aimed to learn the use of advanced skills in Excel, such as functions Equations and how to employ them scientifically, learn how to create electronic tables and graphs, learn to create simple or complex electronic formulas using EXCEL functions.

Ms. Reem Talal explained the axes of the workshop represented in how to use statistical functions such as the average that is used to find a group of numbers in a group of cells and their general formulas, and the tasks of (Max) to find the largest number in cells and (Min) to find the least value in the group, and the range that is used to find the number of numeric values ​​within the range of cells, and the functions of (And Function), which is a logical function used to compare two or more conditions, provided that all conditions are met.

The workshop concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is the ability to analyze data using EXCEL, gain insights to support appropriate decision-making using (Add-Ins), organize study information and schedule it on a regular basis, with color-coding tables that can be automatically updated if there is any change in the task schedule

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