The Department of Studies, Planning, and Follow-up at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad, in cooperation with the Scientific Affairs Unit, held a workshop entitled (Empowering Women in the Sports Field Scientifically and Administratively and Legitimate Competition), presented by the Head of the Theoretical Sciences Department, Assist. Prof. Dr. Iman Sabaih Hussein.
Dr. Iman explained the concept of women’s empowerment, which is the ability of women and girls to gain strength and control over their lives, which involves increasing awareness, building self-confidence, expanding options and increasing access to and control of resources, classifying its components into five: a woman’s sense of her self-worth, her right to obtain and determine options, her right to access opportunities and resources, her right to be able to control her life, whether inside or outside the home, and her ability to influence the direction of social development.
She pointed out the most important principles of women’s empowerment, whether in their field of work or society, interest in training women and developing them professionally and enhancing their role, establishing a high-level institutional leadership aimed at gender equality and changing the culture of society towards women, achieving justice and non-discrimination and working hard to enhance ways for them to obtain their legal rights.
She also mentioned the importance of women’s work in society and for themselves, focusing on increasing self-confidence. Work provides a great opportunity for women to gain different experiences in human relations, making women know the value of money and the effort expended to obtain it, and an opportunity for social interaction.
This scientific activity is consistent with the fourth goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which is related to ensuring high-quality education and equal learning opportunities for all.