Within the program of developing scientific research skills for the graduate students to complete their research requirements, the Department of Graduate Studies at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls/ University of Baghdad, under the auspices of its dean, Prof. Dr. Fatima Abd Maleh, and under the supervision of its official Lect. Huda Shamil organized a scientific workshop for graduate students in our college, which graduate students from other formations of the University of Baghdad attended.
The member of the individual games branch, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ishraq Ghalib Odeh presented the workshop. She pointed to the concept that drugs are chemicals that affect the nervous system and cause changes in brain functions such as thinking, feelings, and awareness, as their types were classified into regular drugs that include hashish, marijuana, opium, cocaine, morphine, and heroin. In contrast, industrial drugs include drugs That transform natural drugs into industrial types more influential on the mind, industrial drugs, Chemical, and synthetic industrial drugs.
She also touched on the concept of criminalization of drugs as a specific act as a crime punishable by law, referring to the reason for criminalization to protect the health of the individual, protect society, and reduce the spread of addiction, as well as touched on the penalties for drug use between states and criminalizing them in international laws and Iraqi law in particular, including prison penalties and treatment Punishment allowance, financial penalties, life imprisonment or execution.
This workshop has achieved one of the sustainable development goals represented by the fourth goal of good education.