The Scientific Affairs Unit at the College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad, organised a workshop titled (Scientific Research Writing and Publishing in Reputable International Journals). The workshop aimed to enhance the quality of scientific research writing and promote publication in internationally recognised journals. It covered four main topics: First, Scientific Research Writing. This session was led by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Prof. Dr Abeer Dakhel Al-Salmi. It addressed key aspects such as the definition of scientific research, effective academic writing, the concept of publishing, reasons and significance of publishing, publishing methods, journal selection, types of journals, reputable journals, the calculation of Impact Factor (IF), and citation metrics.
The second, Publishing in Reputable International Journals. Prof. Dr. Suhad Qasim, a member of the Team Sports Department, presented it. It focused on the importance of publishing in international journals and its role in elevating the quality of scientific research.
The third, Selecting a Reputable International Journal. Prof. Dr. Mona Talib Al-Badri, an individual sports department member, presented it. This session covered the criteria and steps for selecting an appropriate journal based on credibility assessment forms.
The fourth, Indexed Journals and Their Classification Criteria. The final session was delivered by Asst. Lect. Inaam Ghalib the member of Theoretical Sciences Department. She explained how to identify indexed journals and the classification standards used in global databases.
This workshop contributes to achieving the fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) (Quality Education) by enhancing the quality of higher education and encouraging researchers to adhere to rigorous scientific research standards.