Under the patronage of the Dean, Prof. Dr. Fatima Abd Malih, the Scientific Affairs Unit at the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls at the University of Baghdad organized a technology competition for designing specialized computer programs. The competition was presented by the subject instructor from the Department of Theoretical Sciences, Assist. Lect. Liqaa Mohammed Shouhi. It was supervised by a judging committee that included the department head, Assist. Prof. Dr. Iman Sabeeh, Assist. Prof. Dr. Zainab Ali and Assist. Lect. Rasha Majid.
The competition aimed to teach students how to integrate sports activities with modern technology, such as artificial intelligence and innovation, along with other advanced technical tools used in sports. It was part of the activities related to the International Girls in ICT Day.
The competition featured 24 videos created by second-year students divided into multiple groups. Each group presented a video demonstrating how to apply a specific sports skill using one of the modern technological tools.
Dr. Fatima praised the students’ creative and innovative ideas and instructed them to prepare 15 AI-based technological tools to be presented at the Third International Scientific Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Its Role in Knowledge Creativity in Sports Sciences, scheduled to take place in mid-April. She expressed her best wishes for the students’ success in their academic journey.
This competition aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 4, Quality Education, as it enhances students’ skills and links them with modern technology.