instructors for the team games branch in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls, University of Baghdad , set up each of Prof. Dr. Widad Kazem and Prof. Dr. Iqbal Abdul Hussain and Prof. Dr. Nihad Mohamed and Dr. Nada Abdel Salam and Prof. Dr. Saja Shukr and Asst.Lect. Saja Khaled, a training workshop for undergraduate students entitled (Modern Amendments to the Handball Law).

The workshop also includes three lectures: the first by Prof. Iqbal Abdul-Hussein entitled (Modern amendments to the handball law and its rules and laws related to the dimensions of the court.

As for the second lecture, it was delivered by Prof. Dr. Widad Kazem, entitled (Amendments to the handball law / amendments to the rules of the game for the year 2016), and at the same time it was delivered A joint lecture with Prof. Dr. Saja Shukr entitled (Modifications of the Goalkeeper as a Player).

The third lecture was given by Prof. Dr. Nihad Mohamed entitled (The Concept of Passive Play).

The workshop concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which is making the latest updates available to specialists, preparing referees of both sexes, by holding intensive courses to select new referees qualified to apply the modern laws of handball.

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