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The girls’ sports in pictures

The College of Physical Education and Sports Science for Women at the University of Baghdad was established to meet the needs of Iraqi society and educational institutions for qualified scientific and practical professionals specializing in the fields of physical education and sports, aiming to achieve community development goals and keep pace with modern advancements.

Modern physical education, with its philosophy, dedicates opportunities for talents, promotes ethical values, enhances patriotism, and advocates for sports that endorse supporting everything that is healthy and clean. This is grounded in the youth’s right to development and active participation, alongside reinforcing productive work to contribute to the national economy. Recognizing sports as a lifestyle that crowns health, work, and productivity, and believing in the importance of interaction and strengthening relationships with the local community, the college works to provide a suitable environment for hosting various sports programs and diverse training courses. This is to contribute to the pursuit of developing the necessary scientific knowledge for professionals in various sports fields.

The girls’ sports in pictures

The College of Physical Education and Sports Science for Women at the University of Baghdad was established to meet the needs of Iraqi society and educational institutions for qualified scientific and practical professionals specializing in the fields of physical education and sports, aiming to achieve community development goals and keep pace with modern advancements.

Modern physical education, with its philosophy, dedicates opportunities for talents, promotes ethical values, enhances patriotism, and advocates for sports that endorse supporting everything that is healthy and clean. This is grounded in the youth’s right to development and active participation, alongside reinforcing productive work to contribute to the national economy. Recognizing sports as a lifestyle that crowns health, work, and productivity, and believing in the importance of interaction and strengthening relationships with the local community, the college works to provide a suitable environment for hosting various sports programs and diverse training courses. This is to contribute to the pursuit of developing the necessary scientific knowledge for professionals in various sports fields.


College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls Organizes Special Ramadan Evening

College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls Hosts Afaq Al-Mustaqbal Private School

 College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls Continues Its Seminar Series for 2024-2025 Academic Year

 Scientific Affairs Unit Organizes  Technology Competition for Designing Specialized Computer Programs

 College Dean and  Group of Faculty Members Conduct Refereeing Training Course in Fencing with Penalties

The College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls Continues Distributing Food Baskets

Volunteer Campaign to Distribute Food Baskets in Cooperation with Iraqi Red Crescent Society

Deans Since Inception

Assumed the Deanship from 1996 to 2001

Dr. Sadiq Faraj Ziyab

Assumed the Deanship from 2001 to 2003

Dr. Muayad Abdullah

Assumed the Deanship from 2003 to 2005

Dr. Widad Al Mufti

Assumed the Deanship from 2005 to 2011

Dr. Nawal Al-Obaidi

Assumed the Deanship from 2011 to 2014

Dr. Mona Taleb Thabet

Assumed the Deanship from 2014 to 2015

Dr. Mawahib Hameed Nu'man

Assumed the Deanship from 2015 to 2016

Dr. Intisar Awaid Ali

Assumed the Deanship from 2016 to 2019

Dr. Suhad Qasim Saeed

Assumed the Deanship from 2019 to 2021

Dr. Bashra Kazem Abdulredha

Assumed the Deanship from 2012 until now

Academic Staff
Dr. Fatima Abdul Maleh

Deans Since Inception

Assumed the Deanship from 1996 to 2001

Dr. Sadiq Faraj Ziyab

Assumed the Deanship from 2001 to 2003

Dr. Muayad Abdullah

تولى منصب العمادة من عام 2003 إلى عام 2005

د. وداد المفتي

تولى منصب العمادة من 2005 إلى 2011

دكتورة نوال العبيدي

تولى رئاسة العمادة من عام 2011 إلى عام 2014

دكتورة منى طالب ثابت

تولى منصب العمادة من 2014 إلى 2015

د. مواهب حميد نعمان

تولى منصب العمادة من 2015 إلى 2016

دكتورة انتصار عويد علي

تولى منصب العمادة من 2016 إلى 2019

د. سهاد قاسم سعيد

تولى رئاسة العمادة من 2019 إلى 2021

د. بشرى كاظم عبد الرضا

تولى رئاسة العمادة منذ عام 2012 وحتى الآن

Academic Staff
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