A training workshop entitled (Excel applications for emptying and analyzing scientific research questionnaires in the sports fieldNaghamApril 2, 2023
A scientific workshop entitled (practical education – field application for the fourth stage, solutions and problems)NaghamMarch 30, 2023
A scientific lecture entitled (Basic movements within the age levels and their development through the time dimension)NaghamMarch 30, 2023
The Motor Learning Committee organizes a scientific lecture with the Universities of Sultan Qaboos and Baghdad.NaghamMarch 28, 2023
The members of the Biomechanics Committee set up a workshop in cooperation with the Palestine and Nahrain Universities.NaghamMarch 28, 2023
An introductory lecture entitled (College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for Girls: A Living Reality and an Inexhaustible Ambition).NaghamMarch 28, 2023